When embracing living with COVID-19, if you want safety for yourself and those around you, experts advise you need 3 types of "vaccines" specifically, accompanied by basic "secrets".

Those three special "vaccines" are:

One, the COVID-19 prevention vaccine, which helps the body produce antibodies, activates the immune system's memory cells, helping the body recognize and eliminate the SARS-CoV-2 virus as soon as it dares to invade our bodies.

Two, you need "intrinsic immunity vaccine", which is a long-term sustainable vaccine, demonstrating your "internal skill", not borrowed from outside, ready at all times to intercept the SARS-CoV-2 virus as soon as they emerge.

Three, you need "awareness vaccine", which always acts as a bridge connecting the two aforementioned vaccines into "three-legged crutches", helping your immune system always stay at an optimal level and ready to protect your body at all times.

Optimal COVID-19 prevention
Optimal COVID-19 prevention 'vaccine' not only involves COVID-19 vaccination

COVID-19 prevention vaccine: 10 basic pieces of information you need to know

1. COVID-19 prevention vaccine is currently the most effective approach and strategic preparation, which can help you effectively prevent the risk of SARS-CoV-2 virus infection. If unfortunately infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the disease will be milder and less likely to become severe.

2. All COVID-19 prevention vaccines that have been approved have shown effectiveness, and you need to get vaccinated immediately, regardless of which type of vaccine has been licensed for deployment.

3. It is not necessary to undergo rapid antibody testing before receiving the COVID-19 prevention vaccine. It is best to still get vaccinated when it's your turn.

4. Since all approved vaccines do not use live virus causing COVID-19, they cannot cause COVID-19 disease in vaccinated individuals. After receiving the COVID-19 prevention vaccine, PCR testing does not yield positive results.

5. After 14 days of the first dose, it shows the ability to prevent COVID-19 infection, but the value of preventing COVID-19 infection is still higher after the second dose.

6. After receiving the full dose of the COVID-19 prevention vaccine, you may still get COVID-19, but the disease will be milder, with reduced rates of hospitalization and death. You may still become infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus but may not show symptoms, inadvertently becoming a "carrier" and may still spread the virus to others.

7. Currently, there is no recommendation for rapid testing or antibody quantification for individuals who have received the COVID-19 prevention vaccine.

8. After receiving the full dose of the COVID-19 prevention vaccine, you still need to implement preventive measures (maintain distance, wear masks, wash hands... 5K). If you have symptoms suggestive of COVID-19, you still need to declare your health status and undergo PCR testing.

9. Based on the current practical situation of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is highly likely that periodic booster vaccinations will be required, along with the rapid development and proactive introduction of new vaccines, to keep up with the emergence of new variants and sustainably regenerate immunity for individuals.

10. Many current studies have not fully determined the duration of immunity in individuals who have previously been infected with COVID-19 (F0), but immunity will decrease over time, is not sustainable, and does not provide permanent protection against COVID-19. Currently, according to the Ministry of Health's guidance, individuals with a clear history of COVID-19 infection within 6 months are included in the vaccine deferral group.

10 warning signs of declining immune function:

1. Always feeling tired

2. Easily tired, short of breath when climbing stairs or hills

3. Recently, you often get sick

4. You are more prone to allergies than before

5. It takes you longer to recover from illness

6. You have had recent digestive system issues

7. You often have joint pain compared to before

8. You are more easily stressed than before

9. Your skin appears darker and drier than before

10. Your eyes seem blurry and easily fatigued compared to before

A zinc-rich diet helps boost immunity
A zinc-rich diet helps boost immunity

10 ways to strengthen and optimize the body's immune system:

1. Maintain a healthy diet, limit alcohol consumption

2. Consume a variety of fruits and vegetables of different colors readily available around you: Aim to eat two to three cups of fruits and vegetables daily.

3. Don't let your body become dehydrated, especially on hot summer days: Always remember to drink enough water, specifically drink 8 glasses of water (each glass containing about 200 ml)

4. Consume more zinc to boost immunity: Zinc-rich foods include oysters, crabs, lobsters, pork, pumpkins, yogurt, cashews, green beans, and grains.

5. Make sure to get enough vitamin D: Just 10-15 minutes of sunlight exposure to your hands and face each day can provide you with 3,000 to 5,000 IU of vitamin D.

6. Don't forget to use probiotic products: Foods such as yogurt, kefir, artichokes, mushrooms, asparagus, and kombucha...

7. Getting enough quality sleep is a priority in maintaining immunity: Most adults should sleep 7 to 8 hours each night.

8. Maintain daily physical activity: Exercise for 30 minutes each day

9. Actively control stress and emotions, combined with Yoga, meditation

10. Engage in group activities and increase community interaction

Wearing a mask is an indispensable tool for preventing COVID-19 in the community
Wearing a mask is an indispensable tool for preventing COVID-19 in the community

"Awareness vaccine": 10 basic recommendations to follow

1. Always maintain a safe distance, plan for online learning and work in the new normal

2. Masks are essential

3. Cultivate the habit of washing hands regularly, limit touching your eyes, nose, and mouth

4. Cultivate the habit of rinsing your nose and throat 2-3 times daily

5. Train yourself to hold your breath for 5-10 seconds when unexpectedly encountering strangers

6. Learn how to perform rapid antigen COVID testing when necessary

7. Keep your home ventilated to live with the virus in the long term

8. Regularly connect with epidemic-related information where you reside, fully declare your health as required

9. Actively treat and control underlying diseases and learn to self-treat if you are unfortunately F0 or F1

10. Remember to get booster shots on time, if required.

Source: SKĐS